ring mug

ring mug
This is a listing for a mug with a “ring” style handle. This handle is a standard handle, with a kinetic, ring element. It will move as you handle the mug. All Curious Clay mugs are one of a kind. Each one is slab built and hand painted in unique glaze colors and shapes. Your mug will be similar to the picture, but not identical. The gold details, shapes and colors will be selected at random.
Gold luster isn’t automatically added. By selecting the option to add gold luster details, an addition $10 will be added to the price of the mug. Not microwave safe.
About Gold Luster
I use Duncan's Bright Gold Luster, which is an overglaze containing actual gold. It is typically applied to accent or highlight ceramic wares or jewelry, adding a metallic, mirror-like finish to the work. Gold luster is considered an overglaze because it is typically applied to glaze-fired pottery, on top of the glaze. The piece is then fired a 3rd time at a low temperature.
Luster finish will vary depending on the glaze underneath them. The luster picks up the quality of the glaze it's put on, glossy glaze making the gold appear shiny, and matte glazes making the gold look brushed.